Agile Project Management Framework | Agile Tutorial

What is Agile Project Management?

Agile Project Management is a repetitive process or an approach to look out the work process of a company that will help in managing team work, time-management, planning and improving the work environment, create flexibility, and producing a high-quality product for the high scope of the company betterment. It has the constant changing variables priorities.

Agile’s Rise

Serialized Process- Repeatative approach with tasks broken into small increments.
Planning far in advance- Plan for what we know and we have left sufficient allowance in our plans for what we don’t know.
Lack of Visibility- Team doesn’t realize they are behind schedule.
Project Timeline- Allows the development effort to get feedback from the customer throughout.
Static Requirements- Scope is never closed; Continual reassessment of requirement priorities by the business.

Agile Project Management Framework


Agile Project Mnagement Framework depicts a series of step that will take you initial vision of the product to the final product:
Envision- It determine the product vision and scope the project community  and how the team will work together. It defines the begining of the project like a kick-off meeting.
Speculate- Develop a feature base release milestone and it should function to develop upon the vision. Translates product vision into backlog requirements, which are user stories.
Explore- Delivered tested features in an assured time frame constantly seeking to reduce the risk and the uncertainity of the project. Team starts delivering the work, testing, and accepted in form of stories.
Adapt- Review the delivered results to the current situation and the team performance that is neccessary. Project team constantly, evaluate and make appropriate adaptive actions.
Close- Conclude the project and celebrate. It is closed in an orderly manner. Key learning and lessons are captured, and in the end the celebration of project closures.
Agile is like an Umbrella term which is widely used in different methodologies like:
Scrum- It is a framework for solving complex problems. A recent survey shows that more than 50% of Agile practioner that their team is doing scrum.
Lean- It is also a valuable Agile methodology and so are included in the Agile development umbrella. To maximize customer value while minimizing waste.
Other Methodologies includes ‘Kanban’, ‘Feature Driven Development’, ‘Extreme Programming’, ‘Dynamic Systems Development Method’, ‘Crystal’, and many other.

Agile Lean Framework focues on 7 principles:

Elimanate Waste
Amplify Learning
Decide as late as possible
Deliver as fast as possible
Empower the team
Build integrity in
See the whole, think big, act small, feel fast, and learn rapidly.
As a result, this summerizes the importance of being Lean.

Traditional  Vs  Agile Project Management

Traditional Project Management:
Focus on plans and artifacts.
Response to change via corrective and preventive actions.
Typically up-from planning.
Top-down control.
Scope based delivery.
Contract oriented.
Agile Project Management:
Focus on customer interaction and satisfaction.
Change controlled through adaptive actions.
Progressive elaboration with release and iterative planning.
Self-organizing and cross-functional teams.
Time-boxed delivery.
Customer oriented.

Agile Scrum Framework contributes to 5 values:

Courage– It should have the courage to committ to act to be open
Respect- Expect respect, need to be transperant and respected.
Feedback- Get feedback quickly
Communication- Collaborate to 5 to 9 people not too large.
Simplicity- Simple and sweet that is all and having unneccessary complex processes creates waste and in Agile we focuses in elimanating the waste.
Click for more Information: Agile Project Management Framework


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